The Swedish Hasbeens look book for SS12 is too good. I paired a couple of the images with pictures I've been scanning that belong to my mom's friend. She was born in 1951 and has the most amazing slides from her childhood I've ever seen. This look book reminded me of them, plus it feels like spring finally and I wanted to post about it. Also watch this video of Emily Blixt, the creative director of Swedish Hasbeens, mostly because she's adorable and I love her accent, but also because she refers to my favorite shoes from the collection as "her baby".
The 12-year-old boy in me can't help but get excited over this Supreme SS12 lookbook. I'm hoping my brother buys some of the pieces so I can steal them and relive my tomboy stage FOREVER, or atleast until he finds out and makes me give them back.
I can't stop watching this surface to air summer 2012 video. It hurts my feelings how perfect the clothes/Jeanne Damas are but it also gets me really excited for spring and summer. If only I had a little house in France that I could be lazy in all day.