First of all Chris Owens is perfect/the absolute love of my life, but can we please talk about his girlfriend? Her amazing blonde hair makes me want to cry out of envy. Also I love the fact that she's wearing Chris' jean jacket, why can't I have a beautiful boyfriend who I can share clothes with??
I've wanted one of those Girls patches for so long but they sold out forever ago. Boo, life is sad. But then I just watch the video again and I feel a little bit better.
AND OH MY GOD HER SHOES. They remind me of the shoes from Chloe Sevigny's latest collection at Opening Ceremony.

Want to hear a sad story? Ok well I'm going to tell you anyways. I have been in love with these perfect platform sneakers since her collection came out and have since been saving/waiting to buy them. They are a lot of money, and last thursday I finally gained enough courage to go for it. I LOVE THEM AND I SHOULD HAVE THEM IN MY LIFE! At least that's what I kept telling myself as I hesitantly entered those 16 silver numbers on my credit card. I was freaking out a little that I just spent every last penny on sneakers but my vision of looking like this in two short weeks was canceling out any regret.

Well as I sat in my second period math class the next day, the only thing keeping me alive was the thought of those god damn beautiful shoes. A few minutes later I got an email on my phone from Opening Ceremony telling me there were no shoes left in an 8 or a 9, I honestly thought I was going to start crying in the middle of class. ALL OF THAT SELF CONVINCING AND DAY DREAMING OF DRIVING AROUND SAN FRANCISCO WITH CHRIS OWENS FOR THIS?! An automated email telling me that my dreams were crushed and I should just get back to logarithms with my stupid old converse. So that's the end of my pity party, dry your tears now. I know how heart wrenching it is but life goes on. And I'm hoping I can get my hands on them when they restock in March. BACK TO HONEY BUNNY.
Drool with me a little longer.

I can't get any of these dreamy, perfect images out of my head. I just want it to be spring or summer or some season that involves firecrackers and jean jackets and ME OWNING THOSE CHLOE SEVIGNY SHOES ALREADY.
I've also been working on my collages a lot. I hit the jackpot with my parents/grandparents old pictures. They are too good, and I've been having so much fun looking through all of them and adding to them. Here are some of my favorites plus a collage I did with a picture of my dad's apartment in london when he was my age.